Friday, September 29, 2006

Boer-type War and Reality-Jokes PAGE:

I don't have any FUNNY jokes for you guys, just, why does the US paint schools in Afghanistan baby blue? So the ZioNazis can laugh when the insurgents baby-BLOW them right up.

What do you call invading Palestine with Euro-Zionist CRUSADERS in1882, the year after the Boers won war one with England? World WAR, by the NUMBERS, now at II and 1/2.

What do you call 15 interest hikes on top of a WTA, fat power deals, four Israel wars and a drug war and border war and whore wars? PUBLIC POLICY? WHORE and PIECE? Are we BLACK RUSSIANS, so as to be serfs andslaves, BOTH?

Boering, eh? THAT and fat power deals meant airplanes hit the WTA. Interest books are cooked, by the numbers, hahahaha. ZioNazis cooked Kurds and Arabs out of the definition of 'Semite,' and so offend ALL informed persons AND those of actual Middle Eastern and of certain African descent.

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